> 800字/天 x 120天


2022.09.16 00:00


绝大多数科幻片对我来说都不怎么好看,以刚看的《芬奇 Finch》为例,只需要一个演员,汤姆·汉克斯,加一条狗,一个机器人,展现一个末世场景,即便是拍成15分钟的短片,我也不会看出什么浪漫、悲壮,我将它视为一份美国风味的劣质拌菜,主要作料:

  1. 后人类
  2. 气候灾难
  3. cyberpunk风格的机器人
  4. 公路片
  5. 人狗情


我特别不喜欢的是导演对人的满满的恶意,毫无说服力的互害模式。据说导演 Miguel Sapochnik 接受采访时说,本来电影有一段是说机器人 Jeff 最终碰到了人类,人类也完全不是芬奇想象的那么恶,不过这一段因为电影时长被剪掉了。电影拍了很多,最终呈现给观众的只是一部分。原话是这样的:

“We shot a lot. There is a whole section that ended up on the cutting room floor that was about Jeff finally coming into contact with human beings and how they were not what he expected and certainly not what his father, Finch, had prepared him for. But when we got to post, we were in the edit, there was a point where I realized that I knew we had reached the end of the movie but we still had more story to tell. I tried as much as I could to see if we could accommodate it, but it was a bigger story than we had time to tell in the time we had left to tell it. At some point we just had to make a choice. “



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